Children’s Church occurs during the main worship gathering and is for ages 3-Kindergarten. Children spend the first 15-20 minutes of the main worship gathering with their parents and then are dismissed to Children’s Church by someone from the stage (i.e a pastor.) 
Here What You Need To Know:
  •  All our volunteers are background checked and approved by the Caring Well team here at SCBC. 
  • Parents must follow the security sticker check-in procedure (the Kids Check-In staff will guide you through this quick process at the check-in center.)
  • Children will only be released to an adult who presents the matching security sticker at the time of check-out. Please keep this sticker with you and present it every time you are picking up your child. 
What happens in Children’s Church:
  • Children sing two or three fun, age-appropriate worship songs together.
  • Children hear a short Bible story from one of our storytellers.
  • Children break into small groups for fun, lesson reinforcement activities led by an adult and student leaders.
Where does Children’s Church take place:
  • Children age 2-3 will meet in room 107 
  •  Children ages 4-Kindergarten will meet in the main Children’s Church room