May 2019

“…the Gentiles also…”; Acts 10:44-11:18

George Mueller & Amy Carmichael with Sam Fischer & Josh Brown

Salvation: Wide and Narrow; Acts 10:1-48

David Brainerd & Elisabeth Elliot With Josh and Brie Brown

Christ’s Gospel Is Advancing And Triumphant; Acts 9:31-10:1

William Wilberforce & Hannah Moore with Joel & Kimi Harris

April 2019

One Man, Two Cities, Three Things; Acts 9:19b-31

Acts 19b-31 | Sermon Summary

The Last Appearance of the Risen Savior; Acts 9:1-19

The Last Appearance of the Risen Savior | Acts 9:1-19 Sermon Summary

Good Friday Service; John 12:32-33


Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God; Acts 8:26-40

Evangelism & the Sovereignty of God | Sermon Summary

You Will Be My Witnesses; Acts 8:1-25

March 2019

The Church (still) Triumphant; Acts 7

What is Worship?

In this episode, the SCBC Pastors share what worship is, encouragement for how we can continue to worship outside the church and much more wisdom on the subject of worship.

The Church Triumphant; Acts 6


“Exchange your money for that which will have value in eternity… souls and that which glorifies God.” In this episode, the SCBC Pastors share scripture and encouragement on financial generosity in the church.


“Exchange your money for that which will have value in eternity… souls and that which glorifies God.” In this episode, the SCBC Pastors share scripture and encouragement on financial generosity in the church.

More & Greater; Acts 5:12-42

More & Greater Hostility | Acts 5:12-42 Sermon Summary

Adoption/Orphan Care

In this week’s podcast, the SCBC Pastors discuss & encourage how we as Christians are called to care of orphans.

Hypocrites in the Church; Acts 5:1-11

Hypocrites in the Church | Acts 5 Sermon Summary

SCBC is hosting Life Inc!

In this week’s episode, the SCBC Pastors explain in more depth what Love Inc/Life Inc. is, how that ministry is deeply impacting the community and how the family of SCBC can be better involved.